Tuesday, January 4, 2011


The free road from Morelia to the coast was beautiful but long. The rest of the crew took the bus and arrived several hours earlier. I didn't take any pictures for 2 weeks so I must credit Alison for the pictures from the last post and Sarah for these. Zihuatanejo is a pretty town with lots of tourists, mostly Mexican. The high-rise resorts of Ixtapa are near but we did not go there.

We stayed in the Casa Azul and it was very comfortable. Our rooms were open air with thatched roof and a nice deck. 

And a good place to park the beast. 

We spent time at each of the 4 beaches in the bay.

Ate fresh seafood.

This guy was pushing this tiny kitten around in his truck.

I think I'll stay on the beach for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Had a blast in Zihua a million years ago. Met some gringo and his Mexican wife in a gringo bar near the beach --Jack's Place or Rick's Place or Jimmy's Place... Went back to their apartment where he showed me a cowboy hat signed by some big U.S. rodeo star (highlight of the trip, of course).

    I understand your girlfriend is back home now. Where you headed next, bro?
